Did you know that local sign ordinances can advance or deter the idea of social equity in your community? For example, in Brooklyn, NY, "Old School" large lettering and repetition generates a sense of inclusivity and openness, while brevity, wordplay and other linguistic elements of gentrifying "New School" signage signal exclusion.
Join the authors of What the Signs Say on Tuesday, October 25 for this insightful and FREE session that will also earn you 1 CM Equity Credit.
Register for "Signs of Equity" Now
Price: $0.00 member; $0.00 non-member
CM: 1 CM Equity Credit
The authors of What the Signs Say include Edward Snajdr, John Jay College, CUNY, and Shonna Trinch, John Jay College, CUNY. Presenters on this webinar also include James Carpentier, ISA; Sapna Budev, ISA; and Dawn Jourdan, University of Maryland.
This session will analyze these two critically different types of local retail signage ("Old School" and "New School") to help planners and local officials examine how sign regulations may contribute to inequity and exclusions. It will incorporate ethnographic observation, interviews and storefront texts from Brooklyn, New York, to discover signage models and methods that ensure equity, diversity and inclusion.
Questions? Contact education@signs.org
BONUS! Use the code 15FRIENDS for 30% off your purchase of What the Signs Say.